November 2023 Meeting Notes

from November 19, 2023

We continue collecting dues for 2023-2024. No increase in annual dues: $25 for a single member and $30 for a family.

Today is the final competition for the Sweet Stout (16-A). We will have 2 judging tables with 4 beers each. Each judging table will push forward their top 2 beers. We will announce the “Brewer of the Year” at the December meeting. There was some confusion over the scoring during the competitions. Based on the BJCP guidelines, it is not the average score of the individual judges but the group’s decision or consensus of the scores in order to move a beer to the final round. Doug will draft the guidelines for judging, and then Michelle will post the guidelines on the website to clear up any confusion and or to avoid any future confusion.     

We discussed the club purchasing the monthly beer styles in order to provide an educational experience along with tasting notes and beer samples for the club to taste. Club members will continue to bring different beers to sample after the “educational” portion is over monthly. In addition to purchasing the beer styles, the club would also purchase small tasting cups.   

We will take nominations at this meeting for the new President for the upcoming year. During the meeting, the brewers will discuss their top pick for the beer styles for the New Year. Then we will send out links for live voting for both the new president and beer styles for the 2024 competitions. (NOTE: we will update the bylaws for the sign-up sheet for board nominations.) 

We discussed purchasing tasting glasses or bottle openers for the paid club members. Chris will research and send the options to the board members. Michelle is working on the on-line ordering for club merchandise.  Members are asking to order t-shirts, golf shirts, etc.  

At this time, there does not seem to be any interest in hosting an outside beer competition for 2024. If the club changes their minds, it would take a lot of time & energy to organize and we would need a dedicated team/committee to lead the event in the future as it would take approximately 12-16 months to prepare. We would have to provide breakfast & lunch for the judges in addition to swag bags, etc.  

There was not any interest in having a table at the Crozet Brew Festival. Some of the members were interested in just floating around the festival with their 151 Brew Club t-shirts.  

The new president will coordinate the CAMRA (Charlottesville Area Master Brewers) visit. Or we could also set up an educational zoom with guest speakers.  

There is enough interest to do a field trip to Murphy & Rude in January or February and then meet at Decipher Brewery after the site visit.  

 We will try to create a member’s only page on the website for the agenda, meeting minutes, and bylaws.

Upcoming events 

Our next meeting is December 17 at 1pm. We will hold our annual White Elephant/Dirty Santa gift exchange with new, beer, or brewing related gifts up to $25 to exchange. Members will bring holiday beers to share along with a covered dish. The meeting will be held at Wildman Dan’s Brewery.   

Upcoming club meetings:
• January 28
• February 25
• March 24 (note it is the 4th Sunday of each month, unless it is a holiday)
• April 28
• May 19 (a week early due to Memorial Holiday)
• June 23 (4th Sunday)